Hi. I’m Charlotte Carr, Pastor and Executive Director for The Lantern. The Lantern is a spiritual community that is about changing lives and changing the world. We’re a place for those who might call ourselves spiritual refugees. We don’t quite fit with the traditional church. Some of us left the church some time ago. Some of us remained in the church, but we’ve waited for the day when someone would tell us we don’t belong.

At The Lantern we’ve found a place where we do belong. We’re able to bring our true selves to the table – no matter who we are, who we love, what we believe (or don’t believe). We share our lives amidst the sacred stories, we ask questions, and we live into our answers. We form community, helping each other in life. We also reach out to support others in concrete, lifesaving ways … like feeding and clothing people who live on the streets. We don’t just talk about Jesus; we strive to live like Jesus.
This blog is a recognition of the light and hope that I find as I journey with the beautiful people caught up in this adventure of The Lantern. Some entries will be personal musings on my own spiritual wanderings and mishaps. Some will reflect on the spiritual community itself. Some will likely be about my family: my husband, kids, and most definitely my dogs – all of whom are great teachers for me.
I hope you join me.
Much grace,
